Prayer Wall

The Western Wall, or “Wailing Wall”, is the most religious site in the world for the Jewish people. Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, it is the western support wall of the Temple Mount. For hundreds of years, thousands have visited each year and placed their prayer requests in the wall. We invite you to participate in Peachtree’s prayer wall by submitting your prayer requests and by praying with and for your Peachtree family.


Pray for Brooks - gets answers and healing from her cardiologist
Received: Thursday, February 13, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Please pray for my friend's daughter, Lyla, and that she receives the medical treatment she needs to heal.
Received: Thursday, February 13, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Labella family, for comfort during their time of grief
Received: Thursday, February 13, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Pray for my sister, Mary & Anne, who has the flu - Pray for my niece, Annie, who has a blood clot - Pray for my relationship with Jeff - Pray for the healing of my right foot - Pray for my parents and their health - Pray for Jan & Sandy
Received: Thursday, February 13, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Please pray for my friends, that need God to show them direction.
Received: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Please pray for my friend and his new wife, that they may be able to have children of their own.
Received: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Please pray for me that I may have the wisdom and strength to do God's will in the world and prosper myself and His kingdom.
Received: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Please pray for my friend, Natalya, and her mother, Valentina. Natalya travelled to her hometown outside of St. Petersburg, Russia to care for her mom who fell and broke her hip. Recovery is quite difficult and Natalya is exhausted as the sole care giver.
Received: Sunday, February 09, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Please say a prayer that my mom Lisa, and both my brothers Chuck and Ty, and sister-in-law Jill can try to patch things up and get past any disagreements, as I'd like to see my family put back together. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
Received: Saturday, February 08, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Alex , Julianne's husband and Raven's father has stage 4 cancer. Raven is a sophomore at the University of Mississippi. Alex has another daughter, a high school senior. Kindly pray that Alex will cured.
Received: Friday, February 07, 2025
Prayed for 0 times


Prayers for my family, siblings and mother as we process the death of our father Bob. He was a remarkable man that lived a full life. He was age 95. We knew is was coming but sad nonetheless. Peace for my dear mother as she moves forward.
Received: Thursday, February 06, 2025
Prayed for 12 times


Please pray for Mia. She is a high school student who will be having delicate back surgery today to remove a tumor located near the nerves in her spine. The surgery is expected to take between 6 to 7 hours. God, we pray for a successful operation, and for a full recovery over the weeks ahead.
Received: Thursday, February 06, 2025
Prayed for 12 times


God is the most powerful thing on earth. I love God really, really much.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please continue to pray for my husband, Alan and our 2 girls, that they would all want to return to worship Jesus, wherever that might be.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for my riend Hugh and his mom Beverly, that they may enjoy better care and better health day by day.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for my friend Lizzy, who may lose her childhood home after the Palisades fire. Please pray for her and family's safety and the safety of everyone suffering that tragedy.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for my friend James, who needs mental help in order to be the best person of hinself and be the person that God wants him to be.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 12 times


Please pray for me that I may be a good steward of all of the talents and resources that God has seen fit for me to have, and that I may use them to serve His will.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for my brother Bill and his wife Clair, that they may have a child of their own if it be God's will.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for my friend Art and his entire family, that they may be agents og God's will in this world and that his success may be their success.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Healing for Brooke
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Prayers for Franklin, for continued healing - for grace and mercy. Prayers for his family.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray or our son Gibson, and daughter Tilly, who are attending new schools. That they may find their place and learn & grow there.
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for healin over my cousin who is going through intense chemo for breast cancer - then will undergo surgery. Thank you!
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Michael - hospice care - pray for family and or peace and comfort. Liz - pray for back hip pain to away. Mimi - peace with making a big decision. Allan - heal lungs reveal diagnosis
Received: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for my friend Jane. She is having very serious abdominal surgery on February 17th,. Jane has a number of tumors that are cancerous and is currently receiving chemo.. She is of Jewish faith but does so many good works for her synagogue and the community. Pray for her healing.
Received: Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray that God helps me navigate the hopelessness and purposelessness I am experiencing. Please also pray for my success in my PhD applications and that God helps me see the life, relationship, and career path He wants for me.
Received: Monday, February 03, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray for my son Russell that he would healing. Pray that the Lord Jesus would renew his mind and put in him a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit in him. Pray that he would be filled with the holy spirit and receive wisdom, knowledge and disc
Received: Sunday, February 02, 2025
Prayed for 14 times


Please pray for God's powerful healing hand on my mom & I and his strength to get better please. Thank you so much
Received: Thursday, January 30, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


Please pray that God would heal me and help me financially. Pray that God would also heal and strengthen my family members. Pray that God would deliver me from every spiritual attack in my life. Finally pray that God would give me breakthrough spiritually.
Received: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Prayed for 13 times


My 31 year old daughter will be having surgery to remove an IUD that has adhered to the uterine wall. Quite rare. . Please ask for blessing in the surgeons hand and my daughter and her husband to be at peace . Bless my son as he sees a Dr after a car wreck in Atlanta this week. .
Received: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Prayed for 23 times


Please pray boldly for a miracle for Audrey. She is an inspiring, hardworking, courageous freshman. at Notre Dame. She has dreams, aspirations and goals for her life . However she has had neuroblastoma since she was five years old. The doctors say that there is no more treatment available.
Received: Saturday, January 25, 2025
Prayed for 27 times


I am a recent graduate of UGA and cannot find full time work in my field of study. I seek the patience and perseverance of almighty God.
Received: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Prayed for 30 times


Please pray for my cousin, Anna Beth, who is scheduled for a kidney transplant on January 29th. Thank you.
Received: Sunday, January 19, 2025
Prayed for 31 times


Bless my son and his new friend and his new job . Bless my daughter’s new house . Bless my husband, James and me to navigate cancer diagnosis for both of us. Lord help my entire family to serve you.
Received: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Prayed for 31 times


Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray dear Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray dear Lord, my soul to keep. Amen
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 29 times


Please pray for my friend James that with the Lord's help, we will be justified and fulfill God's purpose for him.
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 31 times


Prayers for my boyfriend, Jeff and our relationship. For my friend Stacy and the preboarding process at Wellstar. For continued healing for my frien Dan. For my parents, esp. my mom. For my neighbors Jan and Sandy.
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 29 times


Prayers for my anxiety with my family and certain co workers at work. For my parents, esp. my mom. For my boyfriend and his family. For my friend Stacy. For my friend Dani and her mom for the upcoming new year.
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 29 times


Prayers for my friend Claire , that her IVF is successful. Prayers for my sister in law Bette Ervin, that she is able to conceive again soon. Prayers for all women struggling to conceive.
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 26 times


Hugh who is in Piedmont NICU
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 26 times


Please pray for my friends Steve and Dave who are divorced and would like to find the right person for them so they can live a full life
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 27 times


Please pray for my friend Jim who needs psychological help but will not admit it. That he will seek it and get the help he needs.
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for my friend who was in a serious boating accident on Lake Lanier and is still slowly recovering
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 26 times


Please pray for my friend Scott who is having hip surgery. Please pray that he will recover greatly and fully
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 26 times


Please pray for my friend Kyle who takes care of his sister who has multiple serious issues, both mental and physical
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 26 times


Please pray for the victims and families of the mass murder in NO
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 25 times


Please pray for my friend Art, that his legal business may prosper for him and those whom he supports in order for him to fulfill God's mission for him.
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 25 times


Please pray for my brother and his wife, that they might have a child of their own if it is God's will.
Received: Friday, January 10, 2025
Prayed for 25 times


Please pray for my friend Lizzy and her family who live in Los Angeles. Their family home which they have lived in for 50 years is being threatened by the terrible fires there. Please pray that the fires will be contained soon and for those who have lost their loved ones as well as their homes. TY!
Received: Wednesday, January 08, 2025
Prayed for 25 times


Please pray that God would deliver me from hopelessness and help me through every difficult situation that I'm battling. Pray that God's peace would be over my family and life. Finally pray that God would give me supernatural breakthrough.
Received: Tuesday, January 07, 2025
Prayed for 46 times


Please pray for a dear friend in the Nashville area, Amanda, who has been having undiagnosed health issues for some time. She has now been diagnosed with sepsis and is in the hospital to treat. Thank you so very much.
Received: Monday, January 06, 2025
Prayed for 46 times


My youngest daughter and her fiancé bought tickets to Rome this summer on a whim. They don’t have a plan or anything, I pray God helps them make a good plan and that they have safe flights there and back and a safe trip there in Jesus name, amen no weapon formed against them. Jesus name amen
Received: Friday, January 03, 2025
Prayed for 40 times


Liz S. is having serious back surgery on Monday, January 6. Please pray for the skill of her surgeon and a complete recovery.
Received: Thursday, January 02, 2025
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for my friend Kyle and his sister Carrie. Kyle is taking care of Carrie, and she was found unconscious and may need serious medical care. Please pray for the best possible outcome for Kyle and Carrie according to God’s will. Thanks
Received: Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


God's powerful healing & strength to help my mom & I please. Thank you so much
Received: Sunday, December 29, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Keep me in heavy prayer
Received: Thursday, December 26, 2024
Prayed for 31 times


A blessed christmas eve and day
Received: Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Prayed for 45 times

Love seeker

I want Gods love in my life.
Received: Monday, December 23, 2024
Prayed for 49 times


Please pray that God reveals himself to me personally and answer my questions.
Received: Sunday, December 22, 2024
Prayed for 49 times


I need a deep love and endearment for my spouse.
Received: Sunday, December 22, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


We are really needing God's powerful healing hand & strength for my mom, sister and I please. Thank you so much
Received: Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Prayed for 46 times


Please pray for my neighbor’s dog Boone, who has inoperable cancer. The doctor has said that he may be able to fight back from the symptoms he is currently experiencing (lethargy) and live a little longer. Please pray that Boone will live way past Xmas! Thank you
Received: Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Prayed for 43 times

Teddy and Lauren

Pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby boy expected to arrive May 1st, 2025
Received: Monday, December 16, 2024
Prayed for 45 times


Please pray for my son who has depression and anxiety and has had a set back in his life. He has nothing to look forward to and with his health problems, I am so worried Pray for my husband who is the bulwark in dealing with our son, as he has heart issues himself. i am so worried
Received: Monday, December 16, 2024
Prayed for 44 times


Please pray for Marybeth
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


Please pray for my friend who is mentally ill and needs counseling which he refuses to admit and therefore is stuck in his own prison.
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 55 times


Please pray for my friend Hugh and his mother that she may recover from her infirmaties and walk again.
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 44 times


Please pray for my friend Art and his family that they will be the team that God made them and they will experience him every day.
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for my mother and my wife.
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 39 times


Please pray for: The White family, the Aldridge family (the passing of my brother in law's father), for my parents' travel next weekend, for the upcoming work week, for Cat Bonaeearsi, for Elizabeth Hollingsworth, for Marcelina, for Sarah Murray
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for my friend Jim, that he may folow God's will for his life and prosper the Lord and himself by doing so.
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 41 times


Please pray for my friend and his entire family, that they would grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord.
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for my friend who is not feeling well. Please pra that he will recover his health full and will be up and around soon.
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Please pray for Devinny who has Gullian-barre syndrom
Received: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Please pray for Charlie who is battling cancer.
Received: Sunday, December 08, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Please pray for my father Garnet. He is a multiple time survivor of stage 4 cancer and for the last year (been in remission for 12 years) he has been declining. A year ago he got bad back pain he kept saying was sciatica. It got worse and worse and then his feet swelled (mostly right side but both)
Received: Wednesday, December 04, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


I need deliverance from in unforgiveness and rejection. I need Gods love in my life.
Received: Monday, December 02, 2024
Prayed for 43 times


I want to want my marriage.
Received: Monday, December 02, 2024
Prayed for 43 times


I’m hurt and need to know that God sees me and will answer me.
Received: Monday, December 02, 2024
Prayed for 39 times


Please pray for a closer and deep bond with my husband.
Received: Monday, December 02, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Keep me in heavy Prayer Anthony
Received: Sunday, December 01, 2024
Prayed for 39 times

illana marais

Please pray for Merlene my daughter in law she suffers from metal illness and for their marriage to be healed in Jesus name , Father God In Jesus name we come into your presence with thanks giving and praise we ask you to heal Merlene from mental illness we bind the spirit of mental illness
Received: Thursday, November 28, 2024
Prayed for 39 times


My friend Diane is facing treatment for a malignant abdominal tumor. Pray for her strength and the wisdom of her doctors.
Received: Saturday, November 23, 2024
Prayed for 35 times


Please pray for my daughter Valeria for physical, mental, and spiritual protection. That God may place godly people in her path at school, at home, at the grocery store, and while she is commuting. May God grant her wisdom to understand all subject materials at school. Thank you brothers and siste
Received: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Prayed for 26 times


Please pray for friends who are recently divorced, that they might follow God and follow his will for their lives
Received: Thursday, November 07, 2024
Prayed for 26 times


Please continue to pray for my friend Art and his whole family, that they will know and have the courage to follow God's will for their lives
Received: Thursday, November 07, 2024
Prayed for 25 times


Please continue to pray for my friend Tim who has physical and financial challenges and eeds God's help to continue to pursue a full life
Received: Thursday, November 07, 2024
Prayed for 24 times


Please continue to pray for my friend who was in a serious boating accident
Received: Thursday, November 07, 2024
Prayed for 24 times


Please pray for my friend Becky and her entire family, especialy her granddaughter, Grace, that her health may be well and truly restored.
Received: Thursday, November 07, 2024
Prayed for 24 times


needing prayer for we just married, and we need the Lord to help us and bless us to make sure that we are doing things right. Prayer for our 4 children to come to Christ and live right in the Lord's will. For husbands work environment Lord knows the needs. amen. thank you.
Received: Friday, November 01, 2024
Prayed for 23 times


Please pray for Eliza, a 3 year old who has neuroblastoma cancer.
Received: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Prayed for 59 times


Continue to keep me in heavy prayer
Received: Sunday, October 27, 2024
Prayed for 53 times


Please pray for my friends Annabelle and Billy and their sweet two year old Gracie who was recently diagnosed with CLN1 Batten Disease, a rare and terminal genetic disorder. Gracie is undergoing round the clock medical attention to keep her comfortable. Please pray for this sweet family.
Received: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Prayed for 57 times


Asking for prayers for healing and deliverance. I've been sick. I also have been dealing with harrasment for quite some time and hope this will stop. I pray for peace and divine protection. Thank you prayer warriors.
Received: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


Pray for my son and his career path. Pray for his young marriage and their spiritual life to grow.
Received: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Please pray for Gene to have a personal encounter with Jesus. He's baptized but doesn't seem to know Him. Please pray that Gene loses favor w the wicked influences that surround him & give him favor with ppl who pray & will keep him close to the Holy Spirit. Jer. 29:11 For the Lord knows the plans
Received: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Prayed for 41 times


Please pray for recovery and good health.
Received: Sunday, October 20, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


That Reese will get good report from m d Anderson on cancer issue.
Received: Sunday, October 20, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Please pray for my Mom, Catherine Bowman, who is having TAUR procedure at Emory St. Joseph on 10/14. She is 87. Please pray for her healing and a great outcome.
Received: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


Please help me to more mindful of God's purpose in my life and for me to be a better disciple of His and a better steward of what I have been given
Received: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Please pray for God's powerful healing on my mom and for God's strength to help us through. Thank you so much
Received: Monday, October 14, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Good morning I'm coming to you on today asking for prayer for my 19 year old daughter Jaimee whose attending a University in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I'm asking for prayer for God to guard her mind so that she can think right, guard her heart so that she can live right. Also for God to bless her
Received: Monday, October 14, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Please pray for my friend whose sister is in the hospital and non responsive.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 39 times


Please pray for my friend Byron, who cares for his wife with dementia.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Please pray for my friends Art, Dave, Erik and Steve, who are recently divorced and need to follow a new path for their lives.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


Please pray for my friend Billy and his wife Benita, that she may safely return home from North Carolina.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 32 times


Please pray for my friend MJ and his fiance Sarah, that thier upcoming wedding will go well and they will have long and happy lives.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Please pray for my friends who are all single and in their 40's. Please pray that God's timeing will be perfect for them.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


Please pray that in all my projects, I will follow God's will so that I may be a good steward of what I have been given.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Please pray for my friend, that he would seek help and receive it.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 30 times


Please pray for me that I may be the best friend and encourger to people that I care about.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 30 times


Please pray for my friend and his mom, Beverly, that she may continue to improve and progresss from a wheelchair to walking again
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 30 times


Using Kickstarter to fund production of my newest novel, but about 1/3 of the way into the fundraising month I'm stalled at 21%. Please pray for the project to fund -- I'm starting to get very nervous about it.
Received: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Prayed for 32 times


Please pray for my co-worker Kelsey's little boy Egan. He has been sick and needs all the prayers he can get. And pray for Kelsey as well. She is a devoted mother and this is very difficult for her and her husband Adam (who also needs prayers). Thank you.
Received: Tuesday, October 08, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


Please pray for my sister, Mallory. She is having major health problems with her kidneys, and is undergoing several tests. Please pray for full healing and minimal complications.
Received: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Prayed for 35 times


For all those suffering after Helene...from my family in St. Petersburg, friends here in Atlanta, dear friends in Cashiers NC and all the up to Asheville and beyond into East TN. It is truly beyond my comprehension. My heart breaks and prayers are on-going.
Received: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


After losing my business during COVID, I face overwhelming debt. Though I’m blessed with steady income, it's just not enough. I believe in miracles and ask for prayers to pay all of my debts in full and resume my mission of giving. Thank you for your prayers sincerely. Bless each of you!
Received: Monday, September 23, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Please pray intercessory prayers for Abraham who had a heart attach and quadruple bypass surgery. Thank you.
Received: Monday, September 23, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for my 7-day-old nephew, James, who is in the NICU, and for his parents Jorja and James. Please pray for healing for Baby James, for peace, comfort, and guidance for his parents, and wisdom for his doctors and care team.
Received: Monday, September 23, 2024
Prayed for 41 times

Mary Ann

Please pray for Judy who was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension last week. Please help the Doctors find the cause and a way to help Judy.
Received: Monday, September 23, 2024
Prayed for 32 times


Please pray for Charlie, a member of Peachtree. He has had a second stroke recently. He will be moving into assisted living in the next few days.
Received: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for my dear friend and the Lord's devoted servant Paul who is having neck/spinal reconstruction surgery on September 19th. Lord, please grant him a successful surgery and recovery that he may continue his service to glorify you.
Received: Monday, September 16, 2024
Prayed for 43 times


Pray for me
Received: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Please pray for my friend who had a massive stroke in May. She lost her ability to walk and read and her speech is impaired. Rehab therapy didn't help, so she's confined to longterm care. I'm still praying that there can be some amount of healing to improve her quality of life and her spirits.
Received: Sunday, September 08, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


I lift up my daughter in prayer. She is a Special Ed middle school teacher who works long hours, gives tirelessly to her students and their parents. She is an outstanding teacher, but her job leaves little time for a social life, so my prayer is that a loving Christian man will come into her life.
Received: Thursday, September 05, 2024
Prayed for 46 times


Please pray for my dear friend, Debbie, who will be having a mastectomy on Monday, September 9. Please pray that Jesus will direct the surgeon's hands, and the surgeon's team. Please pray that Debbie and her family will feel God's presence and sense of peace. Please pray for Debbie's total healing.
Received: Thursday, September 05, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Please pray for my friends who are divorced and need to know God's will for them
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 32 times


Please pray for my boyfiend's transition into his new apartment and for my parents and for my niece Annie and for my nephew William. Also for my anxiety at work
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 29 times


Please pray for my friend Art and his family that they may prosper personally, spiritually and professionaly
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 29 times


Please pray for my friend Hugh and his mother, Beverly, that they may both recover their health quickly and fully
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 27 times


Please pray for my 99 year old neighbor who had hip surgery and is in rehab for month - and for my neighbor Sandy who has grade 9 prostate cancer and does not know it
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for my friend Dani who has to get back surgery and my friend Stacy and he mom who is to get open heart surgery. Also for my friend who as developed problems staying sober
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 29 times


Please pray for my niece Charlotte who was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 16. And for my colleague Tiffanie returning to work after 7 month medical leave
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for me that I would finish and sell my project this year by Christmas
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for me that I might be better at trusing God and not myself
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for my friend Bill and his wife, that they may have children if it is God's will
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 27 times


Please pray for my friend James, that he will be able to admit that he needs help and that he will seek it.
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 27 times


Please pray for my friend who was in a severe boatin accident
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 27 times


pray for me
Received: Friday, August 30, 2024
Prayed for 32 times


My sister got engaged this past weekend. I pray that she has a fantastic future, and I pray that her marriage will be filled with good health, prosperity, and happiness. I pray that she and her fiancé will live the way that they want and that no one will pressure them at any point in their marriage.
Received: Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Prayed for 32 times


Praying for a special God loving woman and godly friends. To come In my son’s life . Praying for my daughter and husband to enjoy their new home and balance work . Praying for the Holy Spirit to fill our family each and every day .
Received: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


I would like to ask for prayer about my new job decision. The opportunity to grow and earn as an event planner and designer is amazing. My new company is very liberal and lead by an unbeliever. Some things they support are the opposite of what I believe is right and true. The company you keep...?
Received: Sunday, August 25, 2024
Prayed for 31 times


Please pray for Gene's protection from wickedness at work. He works at the prison where there's so much hate, violence & perversion in the climate that everyone is influenced. Let Gene be a light in this dark world who can bring others there to Jesus.
Received: Monday, August 19, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


Please pray for me that I may be an excellent steward of all my talents and gifts that God has blessed me with.
Received: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Please pray for safe travels for my parents on their trip to KS. Pray for my friend who is getting back surgery. Pray for my niece who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 16.
Received: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


Please pray for me, that I might finish and sell my years long project this year.
Received: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


Please pray for my friend Hugh and his mom who is fighting an infection and is in the hospital.
Received: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


My brother is dying from some respiratory problems. Please pray for his recovery
Received: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


Please pray for my friend Stacy and her mom, who is undergoing heart surgery. Pray for my colleague and her recovery. Pray for my stress level at work. Also please pray for my boyfriend and his relationship with a family member.
Received: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


My friend Sheri has metastatic breast cancer and is starting radiation therapy. Pray for physical healing and strength to walk this journey.
Received: Monday, August 12, 2024
Prayed for 42 times


I want my partner to believe the gospel and be saved. Pray that godly Christian people will come into his life too, and that he may dream dreams of Jesus. Thank you.
Received: Sunday, August 11, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Please pray for my son Russell that he would be healed mind body soul and spirit. Pray that he would receive the anointing of the holy spirit with wisdom, knowledge and discernment to make good Godly decisions. Pray that he give his life to the Lord and repent of his sins and be the man and father t
Received: Thursday, August 08, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for my brother in law, Tracy, who is in home hospice care in Maryland
Received: Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for my friend who has mental issues
Received: Friday, August 02, 2024
Prayed for 41 times


Please pray for my friends Art, Erik, Steve and Dave, who are all divorced
Received: Friday, August 02, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Please pray for my brother and his wife, that they may have children, if it is God's will for them.
Received: Friday, August 02, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


Please pray for me
Received: Friday, August 02, 2024
Prayed for 36 times


Please pray for my friend A.J. and his family
Received: Friday, August 02, 2024
Prayed for 35 times


Please pray for my friend who was in a boating accident and is in Shepherd Center.
Received: Friday, August 02, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


Pray my daughter Sarah is safe and protected at work, as well as me and my whole family, pray neither the devil nor his minions are allowed near us, nor near our places of work, nor anywhere we are, I plead the Blood of Jesus over Sarah and all of us and our workplaces, Lord protect us and block th
Received: Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Prayed for 37 times


Healing for skin and skin becomes healthy
Received: Sunday, July 28, 2024
Prayed for 23 times


Come, Father, Messiah the King, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Please pray that the Lord will supply all my need in the short time span that I need it. Please pray that the Lord will help me overcome poverty and hunger. Come Father Messiah the King, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Received: Sunday, July 28, 2024
Prayed for 23 times


Please pray that my parents will gain the strength to move on and let go. I live on my own, and they find a way to inject themselves into my life. I know letting go is tough, but it’s a part of life. Please pray that I will get the courage to speak up for myself and to not be afraid to help myself.
Received: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


Pray for me
Received: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


Prayers for our friends, Eileen and husband Dennis, who is battling cancer and has learned that the chemo medication he has been taking is no longer working successfully. He is currently in remission, but prayers are needed that with this new development he will remain in remission.
Received: Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Prayed for 26 times


Please pray for my friend Susan. She's having hip replacement surgery today.
Received: Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Prayed for 26 times


Please pray that God would deliver me from depression and restore my joy in Him. Pray that God would help me in everything I do (including my new job opportunity). Pray that God would heal me and heal my life. Finally pray that God's peace and strength would be in my life.
Received: Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


I don’t know really what to say. Very worried for our country. The hate we seem to have for one another. The plans some candidates have for our country. Worried cause my family is mixed race. Praying we will be safe.
Received: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Prayed for 20 times

Joey Lynn Butler

Can you please pray for my sons sweet friend, Harrison? He is 17 and had a heart transplant over the Christmas break this year and this summer has been really rough on him. he has been in and out of the hospital and very sick. We are hoping his body is not rejecting the new heart. Thank you so much.
Received: Monday, July 15, 2024
Prayed for 38 times

Andrew and Nicole

Prayer for Andrew and Nicole God to draw himself close to us and protection in our marriage also Happiness and God to remove people from our life that is causing us harm spiritual and physical and speaking negative words slandering our name God to move us away from these people or God to move them a
Received: Sunday, July 14, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


To get on a healthy schedule live healthy lifestyle for my mental health Healing from depression bipolar disorder symptoms Healing from mental torment and protection over my mind and mental health
Received: Sunday, July 14, 2024
Prayed for 30 times


Pray for me( blessings and covering over my life)
Received: Thursday, July 11, 2024
Prayed for 30 times


Please pray for my dear friend, Ann. She will be having heart surgery tomorrow to repair a hole in her heart. Please pray for God's hand to lead her surgeon with His infinite wisdom and care. Please pray for calm and peace for Ann as she trusts her heavenly Father. May surgery and recovery go well.
Received: Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Prayed for 31 times


Name is Tim please need prayer My work place is toxic and nepotism abounds need prayer for mercy and and protection and vindicated over this thank you and God bless you
Received: Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Prayed for 31 times


Requesting prayer for my wife who is sick with fever, fatigue, cough, and headache.
Received: Tuesday, July 09, 2024
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for my friend Nancy. She's being treated for cancer and the chemo is really rough on her. Praying that God will heal her during this difficult time.
Received: Monday, July 08, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Pray for me
Received: Sunday, July 07, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


A former member of my writing group posted something on Facebook about this being the worst week of their life and they've had a number of tragedies happen in the past. It may involve their only child. Please pray it's not as bad as it sounds.
Received: Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Please pray God heal and restore my body, soul, preferences and desires, restore all the enemy has stolen, remember my past sin no more, and bless my femininity. Pray God reconcile me to himself.
Received: Monday, July 01, 2024
Prayed for 33 times


Please pray that God would heal my mom and I and give us supernatural breakthrough in our lives. Pray that God would bring healing to our family and peace. Pray for God's supernatural leading. Finally pray that God would help me not to be overwhelmed!
Received: Sunday, June 30, 2024
Prayed for 41 times


Please pray for my granddaughter Alyssa and her husband Zac who are trying to have a baby.
Received: Saturday, June 29, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Memogram 3 days ago they saw something 7-2 I have to have ultrasound on right breast
Received: Friday, June 28, 2024
Prayed for 39 times


Please pray for my older sister, Pamela, in Illinois. She is home bound and needing care support. She has many health issues including severe osteoporosis. She desperately is in need of caregivers . She just lost the help she had. Please pray God’s provision and care for her. Thank you .
Received: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Prayed for 50 times


Please pray that God would remove confusion from me and direct me where I need to be. Pray that God would guard my heart and mind through Christ. Finally pray that God would fill me with love and humility
Received: Monday, June 24, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


Hello. Please please pray for me, I'm so broken. I urgently need God's help and I'm also praying for a husband. Thank you.
Received: Friday, June 21, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


Pls pray for my Aunt Sara who is 95 yrs old and has dementia. Pray for God to give her peace and free her from anxiety.
Received: Sunday, June 16, 2024
Prayed for 43 times


Please pray that the Lord will help me to relocate to another state.
Received: Friday, June 14, 2024
Prayed for 41 times


Please pray for me and my wife, there are fights at home, pray that all Evel power leave my wife and our marriage. Pray that we should come together and stay together.
Received: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Prayed for 42 times


Please pray for y friend Hugh and his mother, Beverly, that she may recover well and they may be able to enjoy their lives with God's help.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 60 times


Please pray for my friends Erik, David, Art & Steve who are all going through divorces. Please pray for them to know God's peace.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 56 times


Please pray for my friend Art that his ankle would heal quickly and well so that he can get back to his normal life.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


Please pray for my brother and his wife, that they may be able to have a child - if it is God's will.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 54 times


Please pray for my friend James, that he may find his way in the world and escape his depression with God's help. Thanks
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 55 times


Please pray for financial future and making the right decisions. Pray for brother and peace for him. Pray for success and time mgt. at work.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 53 times


Please pray for my brother who is in the hospital and near death. Please pray that he survives.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 50 times


Please keep my fiancee, Andrew, in your prayers. He is going through a tough time, but is finally getting the help he needs (and has been praying for) only by God's grace will he be able to heal and recover.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 50 times


My brother is sick and in Piedmont Hospital and he might die. Please pray for him.
Received: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Prayed for 49 times


I am requesting prayer for my family's health. Please pray for my 91 year old mother, Loretta's health. My eldest sister , Brenda. She is 73 and her body is losing strength and constantly falls. My brother, Preston who is 70 and has pain in his body. Please also pray for my sisters Evelyn and Trease
Received: Sunday, June 02, 2024
Prayed for 49 times


Please pray for Joanne for complete healing She has cancer for the second. time. Thank you.
Received: Sunday, June 02, 2024
Prayed for 47 times


healing to my spine and brain
Received: Saturday, June 01, 2024
Prayed for 47 times


Bec - please pray for my healing cure by Jesus stripes from parkinsons disease /autism and anxiety depression ,I ASK FOR COMPLETE REMISSION
Received: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Prayed for 47 times


rebecca-prayer needed for healing and repair of pitruitry gland and that the pitruitry gland it recreated and functioning as good as new .
Received: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Prayed for 45 times


My son, Craig was recently let go from church-related university administration. He took a jam course in coding and has had 2 one-month jobs with small firms, coding. He is presently, certainly, needing to find a job.
Received: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Prayed for 46 times


I want to feel closer to my husband Mark.
Received: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Prayed for 44 times


I need healing from loneliness and sadness.
Received: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


I would like to request a prayer for my husband, who lost his job. May God give him wisdom and empower him to find a better job opportunity soon!
Received: Monday, May 27, 2024
Prayed for 42 times


Thank you to everyone for all the prayers for my daughter, Mira, 25 yrs old. She has found another job but a few days ago she was involved in a serious 3 car accident. Thankfully, no one was injured but 2 cars totaled. Please pray that she learns from this and becomes a responsible driver. ??
Received: Monday, May 27, 2024
Prayed for 42 times


A friend's mother-in-law is undergoing cancer treatment and is developing brain-related symptoms. They might be side effects of the treatment or some new problem; she's going to the doctor this coming week. Please pray it's not something super-bad.
Received: Sunday, May 26, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


That God will provide the right contacts, so that all my bills are paid and I am fully delivered in my finances and blesses me with the means and clear direction for shelter through this week abd a way to move out of the country
Received: Saturday, May 25, 2024
Prayed for 45 times


need urgent prayer over my body. I have waited over a year for a trip to see my mom and I feel my voice becoming rhapsy and strained. Please pray for no sickness to enter my body. Please pray I will wake in the morning healed and voice restored in the mighty name of Jesus
Received: Thursday, May 23, 2024
Prayed for 42 times


5/22/2024 - Please lift up LTC Robert Kazmarek and his soldiers as they deploy to Kuwait. May God bless them and keep them safe. Psalm 91
Received: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Prayed for 47 times


Our friend Penny is undergoing a lot of tests and treatment to isolate the source of cancer.
Received: Thursday, May 16, 2024
Prayed for 50 times


Asking for Special Prayer For Rev Leigh who has been faithful to The Lord and Her current Job...She has a disrespectful difficult boss who does not appreciate her years of dedication. She needs God to move on her behalf in Jesus Name! Prayer for Sister Brittanya for healing. Prayer for Sister Danick
Received: Sunday, May 12, 2024
Prayed for 43 times


Please join me in prayer for Don. He recently had brain surgery and is working hard on his recovery. Pray for the doctors to know how to help him. His family is there to love and support him. Don is a wonderful person--he is surrounded by people who care about him.
Received: Friday, May 10, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Prayers for the State of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. The state in the south of Brazil is devastated by floods from heavy rains. Many people lost everything! They are in desperately need of resources like water, blankets, clothes, etc.
Received: Wednesday, May 08, 2024
Prayed for 38 times


Please pray for my friend Nancy who was just diagnosed with cancer.
Received: Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Prayers for pain relief for Dave Foster, and an effective treatment from medical research for Fluoroquinalone Associated Dysfunction (mitochondrial insufficiency). And prayers for our family during our time of separation.
Received: Sunday, May 05, 2024
Prayed for 54 times


Pray the details for the upcoming changes in my job role would come together this week. Pray I would see God’s goodness in all the changes and I wouldn’t be so anxious about them.
Received: Sunday, May 05, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


Hello I'm humbly requesting fervent prayer for a husband and an unspoken need, my heart is so broken and lonely. Thank you
Received: Thursday, May 02, 2024
Prayed for 51 times


Please pray for the ringing in my ear to stop (tinnitus). Also I just need wisdom, guidance and the Peace of God as I’m dealing with so many items and decisions since becoming a widow. Thank you ??
Received: Wednesday, May 01, 2024
Prayed for 49 times


My estranged husband drained my main bank account that i use to pay my bills and pay for all of our expenses for our daughter. Please pray that justice is served and that the money is returned. Thank you so much.
Received: Monday, April 29, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


My daughter, Mira, 25 recently moved to Miami and just lost her job. Please pray that God will give her guidance and hope to find a new job soon and also protect her and keep her safe. Amen. Thank you for your prayers.
Received: Sunday, April 28, 2024
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for Barbara, who is facing heart surgery soon. Please pray for wisdom for her doctors, and God's guiding hand in her medical care. Pray that Barbara and her family feel the comfort and love that only Jesus can give. Thank you.
Received: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Prayed for 34 times


Please pray that God would help me with work and with everything I'm struggling with. Pray that God would heal my body. Pray that God would help me to keep my eyes fixed on Him. Finally pray that God would help me to be better connected with my church.
Received: Sunday, April 14, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


Please pray for my friend Hugh’s mom Beverly, who has fallen and broken her hip. Please pray that she will recover well and fully! Thanks!
Received: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Prayed for 48 times


Please pray for my husband who is seeking a new job. Pray that God reminds him of his worth in the wait.
Received: Tuesday, April 09, 2024
Prayed for 47 times


Please pray that God softens my husband's heart, brings him home and reunites our family. Thank you so much.
Received: Wednesday, April 03, 2024
Prayed for 58 times


Please pray with us for a vehicle and the funds to ship it to Liberia, approximately $20k. A vehicle will help the village sell surplus harvest in the market. With these funds the village will be empowered to support itself. Funds will help pay teachers, farm workers, and a Pastor. We pray to God.
Received: Tuesday, April 02, 2024
Prayed for 58 times


Please pray for Taylor, who is 15 and her family. She has been diagnosed with diabetes, and it has been quite a challenge for her and her family. Each case in diabetes requires a specific regimen and they haven't quite gotten there yet. Pray for her Mom, Julie, to feel God's guiding hand and love.
Received: Tuesday, April 02, 2024
Prayed for 56 times


Pray for my upcoming job transition. I'm about to move into a new role. Please pray for peace with the transition and peace/unity with the supervisors I'm supporting. Pray I would adjust and adapt quickly.
Received: Saturday, March 30, 2024
Prayed for 55 times


On Monday (4/1), Casey will fly to Houston to get a scan to see if her tumor has shrunk. Future treatments depend on the outcome of this scan. Please specifically pray for the shrinking of this tumor.
Received: Thursday, March 28, 2024
Prayed for 59 times


My oldest daughter is planning a wedding, and is also planning an event for her 30th birthday, she is expecting too much from me, I'm on a fixed income. Please pray she is understanding and that God provides her and I financially to do what we need to do, Lord help me with boundaries but also help
Received: Thursday, March 28, 2024
Prayed for 46 times


Prays for my sister Maryann Surgery success after MOHs for flap reconstruction And a good outcome to not be disfigured ????
Received: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Prayed for 44 times


Please pray for Bob -tore his aorta last night (sadly likely while playing basketball, his favorite activity), he is not getting blood flow to the right side of the body. They think he had a stroke while his aorta tore. They are waiting to then see about scanning his brain for brain function.
Received: Thursday, March 14, 2024
Prayed for 64 times


Please pray for Billy and his wife Caye. He has a serious infection that has entered his bones, and will be undergoing extensive anti-biotic treatments for quite a while. He is down and has been fighting debilitating conditions for a long time.
Received: Thursday, March 14, 2024
Prayed for 57 times


My husband Michael and I would love prayers for housing! We are looking to rent a home in a safe neighborhood and having a hard time! Prayers that the Lord would provide within the next few weeks as we need to commit so we can move in May!
Received: Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Prayed for 56 times


My friend, Judy, has been released and will continue her chemotherapy treatment for leukemia. She continues with dialysis and is unable to walk. Thank you for your prayers as the comin weeks will be difficult.
Received: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Prayed for 54 times


For my partner to have dreams of Jesus
Received: Monday, March 11, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


Please pray for Greg who will be having prostate surgery in April, 2024.
Received: Monday, March 11, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


My oldest brother's wife passed peacefully Friday, March 8th. It was about 6pm. She had a long term illness and she just could not fight anymore. My brother has now lost his wife, and a few years back, his middle son. He is heart broken, but his faith in God keeps him going. Randy and Nedra.
Received: Sunday, March 10, 2024
Prayed for 54 times


Please pray for my dear friend, Ann, who is having multiple health problems, most recently related to her heart. Please pray that God will direct her physicians to the right treatment for her. Pray that she will feel God's comforting hands on her and her worries lifted by His constant love.
Received: Thursday, March 07, 2024
Prayed for 48 times

Richard L

I few months back I put in a prayer request concerning my Anemia. My body is not producing blood and I have been getting transfusions. I would like to add a Praise. This week was the first week in 2 months that I did not need blood and my platelets up for the first time in 6 months. Answered prayer
Received: Saturday, March 02, 2024
Prayed for 62 times


Please pray for Greg and his family as he faces prostate cancer. Please pray for wisdom for his surgeon as he guides Greg through this surgery and treatment. Praying for a sucessful surgery and complete healing. May Greg and his family feel God's love, and the peace that only He can bring. Thank you
Received: Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Prayed for 72 times

Joey Lynn

Please continue to pray for baby Ford and that she tolerates the chemo well and that she has complete healing for the brain tumor and cancer in the spine and blood. Please! Thank you so much!
Received: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Prayed for 72 times


Please pray for my beloved sister Eileen who is dealing with grief over the death of a loved one. The Lord promises her in Psalms 34:18 that he is close to the brokenhearted like her and he rescues those crushed in spirit. I pray that the Lord rescue her today and show her that storms don't last for
Received: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Prayed for 61 times

Lynn Allsbrook

I need prayer to find a local church. I am only worshiping online and I need a home church that I can feel God's presence. Please pray with me.
Received: Sunday, February 25, 2024
Prayed for 57 times


Please I need urgent prayer for God's mercy and help. If anyone is willing please also pray fervently and keep me in your prayers. Thank you very much.
Received: Friday, February 23, 2024
Prayed for 61 times


Please pray for restoration and fortification for our marriage. Healing and protection over our family. Gods will be done in our lives.
Received: Friday, February 23, 2024
Prayed for 102 times


Gena is my daughter and on March 1st she will have a double mastectomy. She is 37 years old with an eleven month old baby girl.
Received: Thursday, February 22, 2024
Prayed for 60 times


Prayers needed big time for Brie. Brie had a placental abruption and delivered baby boy #3 at 27 weeks last night. Baby is apparently stable but Brie is not. They have put her into a medically induced coma. Only 10% chance of survival.
Received: Sunday, February 18, 2024
Prayed for 60 times


Please pray for healing for dear friends. They were in a Very serious car crash. He is in the ICU and need lots of healing. She is home with broken bones that too, will be difficult.
Received: Thursday, February 15, 2024
Prayed for 55 times


Please pray for my dad, Robin, he has been battling cancer for a long time, and it looks like he is now approaching the end of that battle.
Received: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Prayed for 61 times


Please pray for my wife and good test results as she is having follow up exams / appointment this Wednesday after a mammogram last week. She's an incredible wife, friend and mother to our little girl and infant son and we are hopeful these tests won't reveal any type of cancer!
Received: Monday, February 12, 2024
Prayed for 70 times


Prayer for peace, strength, direction and understanding. Prayer for sick loved ones. Prayer for God to provide a spouse. Prayer for renewed hope and joy, boldness. Prayer for work decisions and location. Prayer for clarity of vision for future. Prayer for health.
Received: Sunday, February 11, 2024
Prayed for 64 times

Joey Lynn

Can you please pray for Mark. He is a very special Dad, husband & friend and has esophageal cancer. He has a 6cm mass in the lower region of his esophagus & poorly differentiated invasive carcinoma. Unfortunately it is in his liver and lymph nodes. They have said it is not operable or curable.
Received: Saturday, February 10, 2024
Prayed for 54 times


Requesting prayer for my friend, Judy. She was admitted with severe Covid symptoms and learned she has leukemia.
Received: Wednesday, February 07, 2024
Prayed for 50 times


My 9 yr old grandson is suffering from acute anxiety and his parents are trying to get him psychological help as soon as possible. Please pray for him and his parents during this painful time and to quickly get an appointment with the right therapist as soon as possible. Thank you.
Received: Tuesday, February 06, 2024
Prayed for 60 times


Please pray for my marriage, husband’s salvation, & our children. We’ve been separated for 11 yrs. Pray for us to encounter healing, receive godly counsel, for our communication with one another, and for God's grace.
Received: Sunday, February 04, 2024
Prayed for 61 times


My boss and one of my teammates got laid off from work earlier this week. They are both excellent men, and I’m sad to see this happen to them. Please pray that they will find great jobs and that they will be ok. They were the reason I like my job, and they deserve better than what has happened.
Received: Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Prayed for 63 times


My close longtime friend Philip has lymphoma and starts chemo tomorrow am. He acknowledged that this has brought him close to God. Pray for healing and a permanent transformation and journey with Jesus the rest of his days. Amen
Received: Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Prayed for 64 times


Please pray that God would completely heal all my sicknesses and mental health and give me strength so I can perform my new job well. Pray for God's grace over my life and that I can glorify Him through the Gospel and the way I live my life. Pray that God would deliver me from unforgiveness...
Received: Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Prayed for 47 times


I have been a widow for 12 yrs. I am now engaged and will be moving to Fernandina Beach/Amelia Island. I need to find a church to support my spiritual formation. I am very worried about this transition. I know it will be impossible to find a church like Peachtree. Prayers and recommendations welcome
Received: Monday, January 29, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


Please pray for baby Ford. She is only one and a half years old and the doctor found a brain tumor and they think it’s cancer. She is having surgery this coming Monday & if they don’t get it all out, then she will have to start chemo but pray that it’s not cancer & that she gets to grow up healthy.
Received: Friday, January 26, 2024
Prayed for 44 times


Please heal my head and neck cancer now
Received: Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Prayed for 43 times


Please pray for wisdom & salvation for my son Jon Christian & his new wife Morgan. They don't speak to me but I pray God sends someone into their lives who loves Jesus to mentor them & keep them close to the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 54:13 the Lord promises me all my children will be taught by the Lord &
Received: Monday, January 22, 2024
Prayed for 39 times


My mother-in-law was admitted into the hospital this morning with what sounds like a stroke or a TIA. We are praying for her physical health but also her emotional stability and spiritual health. Praying that God somehow uses this experience to draw her to Him. Thank you.
Received: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Prayed for 52 times


I'm selling books at a convention in a week and a half and waiting on books to ship. Later books in the series have arrived already, but not the first ones. Amazon customer service says they're on track to arrive on time, but I'm worried. Please pray they arrive with plenty of time to spare.
Received: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Prayed for 47 times


I have a Christian friend whose visa and work permit will expire Monday January 15th She teaches at a Christian school in Bangkok. Her need is ? 3000 or $85.59 US dollars.
Received: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Prayed for 61 times


Please pray for my sweet daughter, Ava, and that she finds a college that is good match for her. She's a Senior in HS and is in the process of determining where to go for school. Praying that wherever she goes, it feels right to her and feels like home, where she can learn and grow to her fullest!
Received: Monday, January 08, 2024
Prayed for 65 times


I sincerely ask for prayers going to Ann Who is a relative of mine and is facing an 8 hour surgery on this Tues, Jan 9th For throat cancer. Please as God to spare her voice and make her healing process as bearable as possible. Thanks, Beth, a P’tree member for over 45 yr
Received: Sunday, January 07, 2024
Prayed for 67 times


Heavenly Father—please provide Gina strength and courage as she helps her aging parents. Thank you. Amen
Received: Saturday, January 06, 2024
Prayed for 62 times


In Jesus Mighty Name, I pray my daughter Sarah and her boyfriend grow stronger as a couple and that its God's will for them to be together and get married soon, no weapon formed against them shall prosper, I pray for their great health and protection and healing, I pray for all people who are negati
Received: Monday, January 01, 2024
Prayed for 71 times


I’ve had stomach issues for years. This year has been the worse especially the last few months. Right now they think it’s Crohn’s disease. Pray if it is for a quick diagnosis and treatment. I long for relief and healing.
Received: Sunday, December 31, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Please pray for my dear friend, Martha, who's husband, Howard, is now in Hospice Care. Martha and Howard have been married over fifty years and long time sweethearts. Martha is such a lovely, caring person. Please pray that she feels the comfort of God's loving arms around her in the coming days.
Received: Sunday, December 31, 2023
Prayed for 61 times


Please prayer for complete healing (mind, body and soul) for my daughter who has been dealing with undiagnosed auto immune and cardio issues. These prayers bring us comfort and hope.
Received: Saturday, December 30, 2023
Prayed for 67 times


Please pray for little Mani. He is a sweet little boy and having some serious health issues. Join me in asking God for a complete recovery for little Mani. Grant peace and patience to his family who loves him very much as the doctors give him the care he needs. thank you and in his name, Amen.
Received: Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


My 79 year old mother, Carol, fell and went to the emergency room, she has a fractured right hand, bruises, and coincidentally because of the xray they saw a small lesion on one of her kidneys, said could scar tissue, praying for her fast and complete healing all around in Jesus Name Amen
Received: Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Prayed for 58 times


A friend's father recently had surgery and isn't doing well. Please pray for him.
Received: Sunday, December 24, 2023
Prayed for 51 times


Please pray for my sweet brother who is in hospital awaiting a double organ transplant. Please also pray for all who will be involved in the pending organ transplantation - the donor, their family, the transplant team, my brother the recipient & our family.
Received: Saturday, December 23, 2023
Prayed for 76 times


Please pray for me. I have successfully beaten breast cancer twice. Please pray that the second battle was the final battle between me and the Big C.
Received: Saturday, December 23, 2023
Prayed for 72 times


My wife is sick, and not able to walk. Please pray she can get better for both her sake and our little children's. She has been under spiritual attack for how much she loves and helps others... and now, god needs prayers to get her back up on her feet again! Thank you for praying!
Received: Friday, December 22, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


Prayers for healing & successful rehab after hip replacement for 2 friends who fell the same day.
Received: Monday, December 18, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Prayers for healing of 2 strains of HA-AR Pseudomas Kidney Infections then survival of surgery to remove very large Pseudomas Infected kidney stone. 11th hospitalization in 10 months for same & multiple other infections & complications.
Received: Monday, December 18, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


Please pray for Ashley as she receives a series of serious surgeries at Grady Hospital, related to a fluke accident last night. Thank you.
Received: Saturday, December 09, 2023
Prayed for 74 times


The school year is coming to an end. Please pray for all teachers, students, and administrators, since this is often a busy and stressful period.
Received: Saturday, December 09, 2023
Prayed for 66 times


Pray for Steve who is undergoing surgery today, 12/07/23, for a spinal fluid infection. Pray for his surgeon and for the surgery to be successful in removing all infection. Pray for a good recovery for Steve. Pray for his wife, Alice.
Received: Thursday, December 07, 2023
Prayed for 74 times


Please pray for my 80 year old sister, Pam, who is currently in the hospital in Chicago, where she lives. She needs help for her many health issues and hoping to go to Rehab. Please pray God will intervene on her behalf and she’ll get into the right situation. It will devastate her if sent home. ??
Received: Sunday, December 03, 2023
Prayed for 73 times


Please pray for guidance through the Christmas season as I am a recent widow. I have a great deal of sadness but my husband loved Christmas so I want to honor him by celebrating the birth of our Lord. I need grace and peace and to draw close to Jesus. Also please pray for my health. Thank you ??
Received: Sunday, December 03, 2023
Prayed for 73 times


Many prayer of gratitude for the support, help, medical insurance, medical treatment and love that we have recieved. Thank you ....the prayers mean more to us than you will ever
Received: Friday, December 01, 2023
Prayed for 71 times


Please join me in saying a prayer of strength for the Salmon family they celebrate the amazing life of their mother. She has rejoined her loving husband in heaven. But will be missed dearly by her family. Amen
Received: Friday, December 01, 2023
Prayed for 75 times


Please join me in saying a prayer for peace, health and calm for my friend Suzanne and her family. Amen
Received: Friday, December 01, 2023
Prayed for 69 times

Richard L

I have been disgnoised with Aplastic Anemia Syndrone. My bone marrow stopped producing blood cells. I have to get blood transfusions. I will start chemo treatments on Nov. 28. 7 week days in a row then 3 weeks off. The chemo is suppoosed to kill the bad cells so the good ones come back.
Received: Sunday, November 26, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


I started dating this godly guy. He has pursued me well. I'm not sure how I feel about him. Please pray God would give me clarity and show me if he is leading us together.?
Received: Saturday, November 25, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


Please pray the Lord will radically change my son David while he is in a Christian rehab and his marriage will be restored if he is truly changed. Thank you
Received: Saturday, November 25, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


Please pray that Jesus would come back and save, heal, set free, revive, redeem, restore and deliver. Pray for fully surrendered, worshipful, prayerful, thankful hearts and that God be gracious in Jesus name.
Received: Friday, November 24, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Our newborn, Thomas, has been hospitalized at CHOA with RSV. Please pray for healing, his medical team, and a full recovery.
Received: Friday, November 24, 2023
Prayed for 79 times


Please pray my partner will believe the gospel and be saved. Also pray he has dreams of Jesus. Thank you.
Received: Thursday, November 23, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


I was promoted at work a couple weeks ago, but I have some anxiety. What if I don’t do well in this new role? How will this new chapter go? I would appreciate prayers for my new role to be a positive experience and for success in this new role. There are more responsibilities, and I want to succeed.
Received: Friday, November 17, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


Our friend’s wife had pancreatic cancer surgery and is doing very well. Their family and ours praise God for His mercy and this outcome. Your prayers have meant so much to us all.
Received: Saturday, November 11, 2023
Prayed for 67 times


A friend's daughter is in the children's hospital with a "serious" bacterial infection. Please pray for her full recovery.
Received: Wednesday, November 08, 2023
Prayed for 72 times


Prayers needed for Steve whose bladder cancer has returned (even after successful removal of the bladder previously) and has now entered his blood stream...prayers for strength for his wife Kathleen as she supports him in this journey once again!!! MAY THEY BOTH FEEL GOD'S PEACE...
Received: Tuesday, November 07, 2023
Prayed for 72 times


for Alina for her to grow stronger, wiser, for her to be strengthened and guided by Jesus Christ in all the areas of her life, for her to grow in wisdom and discernment and for her faith to be restored, her self esteem and for her to be delivered from any spirits of loneliness, and for
Received: Monday, November 06, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Please pray for Mark's salvation & for a miracle healing in his marriage to Donna from emotional abuse & adultery & witchcraft
Received: Monday, November 06, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


To concentrate and focus better and healing of all bipolar symptoms and healing for voice, to get into good physical shape and burn fat. no withdrawal from medication healing from withdrawal of medication praise God
Received: Saturday, November 04, 2023
Prayed for 71 times


Please pray for my wife, Angel, we have 3 small children. She's having some heart problems. Please pray for her, I can't do this without her. I love her with my whole heart.
Received: Wednesday, November 01, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Please pray for a man named Connor for his salvation, emotional healing and deliverance from sin and demonic spirits. amen.
Received: Sunday, October 29, 2023
Prayed for 79 times


My sister Gretchen, for whom you have prayed during her long illness, has gone to Jesus. Thanks to all who prayed for her.
Received: Saturday, October 28, 2023
Prayed for 72 times


Please pray for peace and comfort for my husband Bobby as he is grieving the sudden death of his younger brother of an undiagnosed illness. Please pray for peace and comfort for my sister-in- law and nieces 18 and 13. Thank you.
Received: Saturday, October 28, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


Please pray for Rashad S. He has had several mental breakdowns and had to leave his job. He is very depressed right now. Please pray for Rashad's recovery and that he returns back to work.
Received: Friday, October 27, 2023
Prayed for 60 times

Andrew and Nicole

Good health and energy stamina clear thinking praise God
Received: Friday, October 27, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


Prayer for favor to live at Calvary Pentecostal Campground Ashland Virginia Lord touch Debbie and Glenn heart to let me live on the church grounds and family restoration and protection for son Larry Psalm 91over his life and a Godly mate.
Received: Thursday, October 26, 2023
Prayed for 51 times


My oldest daughter has walked away from her faith and is calling herself an agnostic. She is now threatening to marry a very ungodly man. It is a huge mistake. Please pray for her.
Received: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


Please pray for my nephew Jason's salvation and deliverance from all evil influences. For the Lord promises train up a child and the way he goes and when he's old he will return to it.
Received: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


Please keep Jamie in your prayers. She has an eight year old daughter and Jamie is currently going through a divorce after a 10 year marriage. This is a very difficult time for her emotionally and financially.
Received: Monday, October 23, 2023
Prayed for 59 times


My business partner's wife has pancreatic cancer surgery tomorrow. She (Laura) will be in the hospital for a full week. We are praying for her health and recovery as well as for the peace that knows no understanding to envelope their family at this time. Thank youl.
Received: Monday, October 23, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


Please holy father please heal my breathing problems now in Jesus name and
Received: Saturday, October 21, 2023
Prayed for 62 times


To lose gained weight from emotional eating
Received: Friday, October 20, 2023
Prayed for 61 times

Andrew and Nicole

Inner Happiness, protection, inner Peace
Received: Friday, October 20, 2023
Prayed for 59 times


Please pray for Lauren and I’s two year old son, Henry. He had a really bad fall at school and has broken his femur. He will be immobile for the next 4-6 weeks in a spica cast which is going to be really hard for a very active little boy
Received: Friday, October 20, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


Please pray for my mom as she is recovering from intensive heart surgery.
Received: Thursday, October 19, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


Healing from all tardive dyskinesia and destonia God to protect me from it and healing from all twitches in body and stress and worrying I have this tradive dyskinesia and destonia pray God removes it in my body praise God thank you for praying for me
Received: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Healing from cancer so he won't need chemo anymore and long life restoration praise God
Received: Monday, October 16, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Healing from insomnia restlessness be able to sleep at night and get good sleep and wake up refreshed thank you Jesus for restoration of my sleep
Received: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Please pray for my husband's job search and that I also will find an opportunity
Received: Thursday, October 12, 2023
Prayed for 68 times


With tears, heartbreak, anger, exasperation, we come to you for help dear Father. We cannot understand or comprehend the tragic events in our Beautiful Israel. From the bottom of the cross we weep for our friends. Isaiah 43:2-3a... For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior
Received: Monday, October 09, 2023
Prayed for 76 times


My friend wants to set me up on a blind date with a godly guy who loves Jesus. Pray God would work out the details and make it clear if this guy would be a good match for me.
Received: Sunday, October 08, 2023
Prayed for 71 times


We need God to open the door fast we've been putting applications in for two bedrooms for an apartment we need to get an approval as soon as possible and it needs to be affordable for our family and we have to be out October the 30th or our family is going to be homeless we really need miracle my wi
Received: Sunday, October 08, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Please pray for me. I am newly widowed and working through the grief process. I also need wisdom regarding decisions and everything I’m taking care of. I need some wise counsel to walk me through some things. Lastly, I humbly ask for prayers for protection and peace over my life. Thank you.
Received: Sunday, October 08, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


Please keep my (adopted) grandmother Claudia in your prayers as she reunites The Lord. Her family, and mine, in your hearts for peace knowing she has returned to her eternal home.
Received: Thursday, October 05, 2023
Prayed for 59 times


My friend Robin was let go from her job but has an interview for her dream job. She’s had a tough few years please pray that the interview goes well
Received: Wednesday, October 04, 2023
Prayed for 61 times


Please pray for my daughter who is 5 mos. pregnant in a high risk pregnancy and is now in the midst of a martial crisis that may end her family. Please pray for our wisdom as her parents in navigating these critical waters. We feel hopeless and so very worried about the impact stress on the baby
Received: Wednesday, October 04, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


Hello! Please pray for sales this week. We sell correlating glasses, this is our only source of income, I am a disabled person of group 2, my mother is also ill, we need money for medicine. God bless you!
Received: Wednesday, October 04, 2023
Prayed for 68 times


Please pray for babies Thomas and Charlie, twin boys who were born at 34 weeks. Please pray for healing and strength for them, and for comfort, healing, and strength for their mom, dad, and big brother.
Received: Wednesday, October 04, 2023
Prayed for 71 times


Please pray for my 95 year old mother Dora Anne. She fell and is in the hospital.
Received: Wednesday, October 04, 2023
Prayed for 69 times


Please pray for Stephanie, who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Please pray for healing for Stephanie and comfort, support, and strength for her husband and three children (ages 4, 22 months, and 8 weeks). Stephanie will be in the hospital receiving chemo for a month.
Received: Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Prayed for 71 times


Please pray for my friend, Annie, who is in the hospital, and I believe she had surgery today. Annie has had a hard year,because she has been recovering from an injury that happened earlier in the year.
Received: Monday, October 02, 2023
Prayed for 59 times


Hey! Thank you to everyone who prayed for my friend Susan, who was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer. From today: “Per the doctor, most patients with this aggressive breast cancer would still have some cancer in the lymph nodes after chemo. Susan did not. She is cancer free!”
Received: Monday, October 02, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


Hello I'm asking for prayer for my friend Sonia. She has been working with Immigration for almost a year trying to bring her sick and elderly parents here to stay with her in Springville, Al. from Columbia so they can get the medical care that they desperately need. Her parents are name Otilia Yopas
Received: Monday, October 02, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


Please pray for my mother, Mary. She was involved in a car accident and has a broken neck. This is a serious situation. Please pray for wisdom and compassion for her care team, healing, and strength. Also for wisdom for our family to know how to best care for her. Thank you.
Received: Sunday, October 01, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


Sustainable Liberia is ever grateful for the prayers that cover us and our work. Please pray for: 1. Jessy and the Liberian team. The work is hard and rewarding. 2. Our primary vehicle in Liberia has broken down. 3. Safe transfer of power following October Presidential elections.
Received: Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Prayed for 65 times


Please pray for Jim as he is recovering from a broken hip.
Received: Monday, September 25, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


Pray for my daughter and me. Our relationship is broken, and I am up in age and realize only God through prayer of many will it be healed. Please Pray for us. Thank You.
Received: Monday, September 25, 2023
Prayed for 51 times


Lord forgive me for how many mistakes I have made miracle in restore family relationship and marriage restoration and restore my soul
Received: Sunday, September 24, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Hello, I recently twisted my ankle and now have to wear a boot that goes up to my knee and stay off my feet. The orthopedist suspects I have a tear in my tendon, which means I will be in this situation for some time. Please pray for me to have patience and quick healing. Thanks. Update: I will be having surgery to repair my Achilles tendon on Friday. Please pray for healing for me and wisdom for my surgical team. Further update: I am still in a knee-high cast and wheelchair. I will see my surgeon next Monday (10/30) to evaluate my healing. Please continue to pray for healing and patience.
Received: Sunday, September 24, 2023
Prayed for 44 times


Please pray for sleep at night and finances
Received: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Prayed for 45 times


Please pray for my dear friend, Joan, who will be having a double mastectomy tomorrow. Please pray for her surgeons, for the grace of God's guiding hand, giving them wisdom, strength and humility. Please pray for Joan and her family to be filled with the peace of God's constant presence and love.
Received: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Prayed for 43 times


Praise Report: Thanks so much for your prayers! After battling that kidney infection, God saw me through it and healed me. I'm so happy to be all healthy again! God is good and to God be the glory, hope you have a blessed day! <3
Received: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Let the Son of God fulfill the Father God's will to us(Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook) to the end, and let all of us see this when all our bodies are alive. Do not allow us to do what we want, but do for us what the Son of God wants to do.
Received: Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Prayed for 47 times


Please pray that I remain faithful to my husband, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Please pray for me!
Received: Sunday, September 17, 2023
Prayed for 46 times


Please pray for Craig who has stomach cancer that has spread
Received: Saturday, September 16, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Prayers for our daughter-in-law who has received an opportunity that if it be God's Will would remove a huge amount of stress from her shoulders and be AN AMAZING BLESSING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY!!!
Received: Saturday, September 16, 2023
Prayed for 48 times


Hello, brothers and sisters! I ask you to pray for healing and forgiveness of sins. I also ask you to pray for work, so that God will give us the opportunity to earn money to pay our bills. May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Received: Saturday, September 16, 2023
Prayed for 45 times


Please say a prayer for my darling m. Allow m to see the love and joy around her. Help m to overcome the negative thoughts. Thank you
Received: Friday, September 15, 2023
Prayed for 46 times


Please say a prayer for my darling m. Allow m to see the love and joy around her. Help m to overcome the negative thoughts. Thank you
Received: Friday, September 15, 2023
Prayed for 9 times


PRAISE TO OUR LORD!!! I previously asked for prayers for the young man who collapsed and was without a pulse for 30 minutes. HE IS NOW HOME and has no further long term health issues other than being on heart meds going forward...GOD PERFORMED A MIRACLE and our prayers were answered...THANK YOU!
Received: Thursday, September 14, 2023
Prayed for 52 times


For my partner to believe the gospel and be saved. Thank you.
Received: Thursday, September 14, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Please pray for healing of my chronic stomach issues that are debilitating. No relief and no hope. Feelings of abandonment and lack of love/caring from God.
Received: Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Prayed for 48 times


Please pray for me for healing.
Received: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Prayed for 44 times


Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol LORD restore my marriage give him love compassion kindness towards me need a miracle thank you
Received: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Over everything my life and family finance, my health, a closer walk with Jesus
Received: Sunday, September 10, 2023
Prayed for 43 times


Prayers for guidance and God’s direction for my life. I need strength to take care many things. Please pray for comfort from loss and protection daily in my going out and coming in. Praying to have a closer more intimate walk with God. Thank you,????
Received: Wednesday, September 06, 2023
Prayed for 45 times


Pray for our daughter and son-in-law's close friend who is stable but in critical condition after collapsing yesterday and without a pulse for 30 minutes. His heart is functioning well, but in need of prayers that there's no damage to the rest of his organs!!! Pray for his wife and 3 children...
Received: Tuesday, September 05, 2023
Prayed for 19 times


Linda, a former member of Peachtree Presbyterian and member of Siesta Key Florida Presbyterian needs our prayers. She found out recently that her cancer has recurred and she welcomes all prayers. Linda approved my asking Peachtree Presbyterian members for prayers for her and her family.
Received: Sunday, September 03, 2023
Prayed for 44 times


Update on my son-in-law, Adam. He completed chemo 76 this week. He had scans and has activity in largest tumor on his liver. He met with Rad/Oncologist and is going forward with cyberknife treatments. Our prayer is the radiation will destroy the cancer cells in this tumor. Thank you for praying.
Received: Saturday, September 02, 2023
Prayed for 42 times


The engine on my 13 year old car gave out today. I have to buy a new car unexpectedly. Please pray God would provide me with a new car.
Received: Saturday, September 02, 2023
Prayed for 41 times


Michael (Early 20s) overdosed on drugs and is now in the hospital with no brain activity. Doctors are wanting to pull the plug if there is no brain activity by tomorrow. He is his mother's ONLY child. Her name is Rose. Please Pray for brain activity and that Michael's life is spared.
Received: Friday, September 01, 2023
Prayed for 41 times


Please pray for Annie as she just discovered she has breast cancer. The prognosis is good but all prayers would be appreciated.
Received: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Prayed for 40 times


I and my daughter had an appointment with Immigration commitee on 27th Aug 2023 at 7.30 am for sponsorship change approval and they asked some questions to my daughter and said “Go, Halas. In two days you will get the message.” Pls pray for approval message to get within two days. Thank you.
Received: Monday, August 28, 2023
Prayed for 43 times


Please pray for my sister Gretchen on her journey with cancer. Her chemo has been stopped, she is eligible for Hospice and is home in Colorado Springs with family, love and support. Thank you for caring.
Received: Saturday, August 26, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Please pray for Natalie and all special education teachers for this new school year. They have many, many stressful days and give an enormous amount of their personal time devoted to help these precious children.
Received: Saturday, August 26, 2023
Prayed for 43 times

Viola Cleo

Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw sleep disorder and depression.
Received: Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Prayed for 50 times


God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me.
Received: Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Prayed for 47 times


I am going through the worst time in my life right now can you please ask GOD to see everything that ever happened to me in my life from end to beginning without skipping a day as I have had too many monumental afflictions to count that have occurred that completely ruined my whole life
Received: Monday, August 21, 2023
Prayed for 46 times


I really want to get married! Pray God leads the right person straight to me. It’s been a long, hard road full of road blocks.
Received: Monday, August 21, 2023
Prayed for 50 times


I mad a financial error that has the potential to make me and my granddaughter homeless. I am moving us out of a tiny 1-bedroom to a 2-bedroom. I thought I had the $700 deposit but after putting a little money down on the new place and giving notice at the old place, I found out the $700 was not there.
Received: Saturday, August 12, 2023
Prayed for 61 times


Pray God would not let me go on a date until it’s my husband. Pray he would remove every man in my life who isn’t my future husband. Would you pray if it's God's will, he would bring a godly husband into my life in a providential or surprising way?
Received: Saturday, August 12, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


Please pray for me. I have lost all taste and smell and have no desire to eat. It scares me since I know I need nourishment.
Received: Saturday, August 12, 2023
Prayed for 62 times


Please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together we are having difficulty getting pregnant
Received: Friday, August 11, 2023
Prayed for 61 times


Please pray for my my tooth there is some swollen and some pain in my tooth for the last few weeks. Please pray for me in Jesus name thank you. can’t sleep at night with the Lotta pain in my tooth don’t have dental insurance. Please pray that God touches my tooth and heals my tooth in my mouth. Than
Received: Wednesday, August 09, 2023
Prayed for 61 times


Hi my name is Pam please pray for me. going through allot of trauma and losses, depression and in need for God to provide me with a car in a miracle way so I can do my job. needing a miracle in my employment situation.
Received: Monday, August 07, 2023
Prayed for 66 times


Continued prayers for my health as I was diagnosed with a siezure disorder in March. Therefore, I have to cancel plans at times and my social battery is longing to be out with friends. Also, pray that I can work on communication with my parents. And praise that my good friend just had a baby.
Received: Sunday, August 06, 2023
Prayed for 65 times


4th update on my friend’s husband, Dick. Thank you for all the prayers. He passed away on August 3. Asking for continuing prayers for my friend and family in this difficult time. Praise God for the strength He gives us so we can live through grief and trials of life.
Received: Sunday, August 06, 2023
Prayed for 39 times


Please pray for my mother's sweet co-worker. She just lost her husband yesterday after a battle with an unknown illness. Please pray that she can heal and that support from her family and friends finds her and gives her peace in this difficult time of mourning. Our Lord has welcomed a new angel.
Received: Friday, August 04, 2023
Prayed for 62 times


3rd update on Dick, my friend’s husband. He has been re-admitted to the hospital from rehab. He is in critical condition. He originally had brain surgery on June 13 and is struggling to regain his health. Please pray for his recovery and for his wife and family. Comfort and strength for all.
Received: Thursday, August 03, 2023
Prayed for 22 times


Please pray for my brother bill and his wife Cheri, that they may be blessed with children. Pray for my friend Art and his family and that he may know God's will for his life. Pray that I may finish this years-long project soon so that I may have some peace of mind about it.
Received: Tuesday, August 01, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


A family member has taken us to court over how to settle the estate after the death of the parents. Need wisdom on how to handle this. Thank you
Received: Monday, July 31, 2023
Prayed for 52 times


Ryan Brody was admitted to Emory with obvious signs of a stroke; under care for a blood clot in his heart, this is significant, as he is a 37-year old young husband and father. Prayers for his healing, for wisdom and discernment for his medical team, and peace and strength for his family!
Received: Sunday, July 30, 2023
Prayed for 66 times


Please pray for Joan as she goes through breast cancer treatment. Pray for strength and resiliance for Joan and the peace of God's constant loving care. Pray for wisdom for her doctors in making the best decisions and delivering the best care for Joan.
Received: Friday, July 28, 2023
Prayed for 67 times


Prayers for Adam who has been battling stage 4 Colon Cancer for 4 years and received his 74th round of chemo yesterday. He is a fighter but it’s time to recruit more prayer warriors. We believe for his healing.
Received: Friday, July 28, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Please pray for my friend Susan who is having side effects from chemotherepy. Please pray that hey will be temporary and that she will be full healed.
Received: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Please pray for a man named Connor, his salvation healing and deliverance.
Received: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Prayed for 74 times


Hi my name is Bobby I have stage 3 lung cancer I've finished my chemo and radiation treatments I will be tested on the July 27th please pray that the Lord has helped heal me of this terrible disease, Thank you and God Bless
Received: Monday, July 24, 2023
Prayed for 80 times


My childhood friend, Shirley is enduring kidney cancer with some major side effects from procedures. She has been in/out of Vanderbilt and rehab for a month. She has a strong family and a ton of friends who are praying for her. Please join us.
Received: Monday, July 24, 2023
Prayed for 74 times


Please pray fror my heal to be healed. Thanks
Received: Sunday, July 23, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Dear prayer warriors, I come before you with a heart burdened for my family—my wife and three children. Please join me in heartfelt prayer for our healing, reconciliation, and financial restoration. I ask for God's divine protection over us, and for communication to be restored in love and understa
Received: Saturday, July 22, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Please pray for my friend Susan who has been found to have late stage breast cancer. She is fighting through chemo now. She is experiencing side effects. Please pray that the side effects will be temporary and that she will be able to return to her life happy and healthy! Thanks!
Received: Saturday, July 22, 2023
Prayed for 75 times


The family of Audrey, a rising Senior in high school, is asking for prayers for their daughter for relapse of neuroblastoma. Please pray for her doctors and an effective treatment in healing her in Jesus’s mighty name. By His stripes we are healed. Thank you.
Received: Saturday, July 22, 2023
Prayed for 74 times

Viola Cleo

Hello, I have a prayer request for the pastor and prayer team for ongoing prayer support for 3 months and you can send to your prayer chain and add to your prayer list. Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw stroke, needs sound mind and clarity of mind, needs help talking to herself after suffering a br
Received: Friday, July 21, 2023
Prayed for 48 times


My husband, RC, is back in hospital. He is battling very high creatinine (kidney) levels, in addition to still having high percent of multiple myeloma in his blood. Appreciate prayers for healing and urgently need his creatinine levels to start heading downward. Pray for his team of doctors too. ??
Received: Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Prayed for 38 times


I've had many chronic health issues in the last couple of months. Please pray God starts to heal my body. I go to the GI doctor on Friday. Pray for answers from the doctor and that they would be able to provide me some relief.
Received: Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


2nd Update on Dick, my friend’s husband. He went to the ER from Rehab yesterday. I don’t have information on his condition this morning but am requesting urgent prayers for his full recovery.
Received: Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Prayed for 31 times


Please pray for my friend John D. who has been diagnosed with a 3rd Recurrent Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in his abdominal area. Thanks.
Received: Sunday, July 16, 2023
Prayed for 53 times


5th hospitalization since mid-February for hospital acquired antibiotic resistant pseudomas kidney infection. No metro hospital can accommodate my rare disability to operate to remove my stone which continues to reinfect me. Prayers survive 5th infection and hospital moves equipment to operate,
Received: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Prayed for 53 times


Pray for my sister Loucreasia full healing. She is on a ecmo machine for her collapsed lungs and viral pneonmia and fluid. Pray the Lord heals her and she recovers. Pray she lives and does not die...thank u..
Received: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Prayed for 53 times


Dear Lord- please watch over Kimberly tomorrow as she goes thru surgery. You know what she needs to completely heal. Please give the doctors the knowledge to treat her and allow her body to accept the medical procedure. We ask for her to have a complete recovery. In his name- amen.
Received: Friday, July 14, 2023
Prayed for 52 times


Please pray for friend Mike, who is in the hospital with an infection
Received: Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Prayed for 65 times


The sickly mother of another writer, who was serving as her caretaker, has just died. Please pray for the family in this dark time.
Received: Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


My daughter is having chest pains. She is having Doctors appointments and tests. Pray that she will have peace. She is also having anxiety and panic attacks.
Received: Monday, July 10, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


Please pray for me!! I am having Mohs surgery tomorrow morning at 7 AM. The area is on my nose. Basal Cell Carcinoma. Hopeful catching it early and that the scarring will be minimal! That if it is a large area it can be fixed with good results!!! I am scared, please prayer for nerves and BP!!
Received: Sunday, July 09, 2023
Prayed for 59 times


For God to give wisdom to Alina, to increase her faith and to discernment and to guide her on the right paths every single day
Received: Sunday, July 09, 2023
Prayed for 58 times


Update on Dick, my friend’s husband: he is in rehab now. He fell last night but didn’t hit his head which is what led to his surgery for the hematoma. She says Dick doesn’t seem to be doing well & she will talk to the doctors tomorrow about him. Pray for Dick’s recovery & comfort &peace for Dale
Received: Sunday, July 09, 2023
Prayed for 28 times


Please pray for our little boy and his surrogate mother, who is in labor four weeks early.
Received: Friday, July 07, 2023
Prayed for 67 times


Please pray for my back. It hurts bad when I walk, like a shock shooting through me. I have a wife and 3 kids I have to provide for. I would really appreciate your prayer.
Received: Wednesday, July 05, 2023
Prayed for 65 times


Please pray for my daughter and unborn grandchild in a critical pregnancy that was hard to achieve
Received: Monday, July 03, 2023
Prayed for 61 times

Mrs. G

Needing God to send someone to me to give me insight and encouragement about my inner pain and suffering.
Received: Sunday, July 02, 2023
Prayed for 67 times


Pray for doctors to find and treat the causes of pain in my chest.
Received: Sunday, July 02, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


Please pray to help me find joy, peace, and contentment loving and serving my spouse.
Received: Sunday, July 02, 2023
Prayed for 65 times


Please pray that God will keep us together and cover my family this year.
Received: Sunday, July 02, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


My AP students will get their scores back Wednesday. Please pray I have a high pass rate.
Received: Sunday, July 02, 2023
Prayed for 62 times


A friend’s mom, Jan, is having open heart surgery next week in Mississippi. Please pray for a successful surgery and recovery.
Received: Saturday, July 01, 2023
Prayed for 67 times


Please pray for discernment and clear direction for Peachtree’s staff individuals making hiring decisions in July/Aug. and rest and peace for me trusting in God’s sovereignty.
Received: Friday, June 30, 2023
Prayed for 62 times


Please pray for my friend and boss, Wayne, who was just recently and unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and is now in home hospice.
Received: Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Prayed for 61 times


Please pray for John who has been previously diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. After receiving six chemotherapy infusions, John has a remaining mass that will be treated with radiation. Please pray for a successful radiation treatment and for his complete healing. God bless John and his family.
Received: Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Prayed for 37 times


My family is need of deliverance as we are faced with a decision against us. But we are asking for prayers to deliver us out of man’s hand and into Gods.
Received: Thursday, June 22, 2023
Prayed for 42 times


I'm asking for prayer for favour on my court date on Thursday the 22nd. I ask for prayer for protection, covering, shielding and favour as I stand before Judge Chamblee. For the past 6 months he told me that if I keep being compliant my case will be dismissed. I have done everything that was require
Received: Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Prayed for 52 times


Please pray for husband, RC, who had to go back into hospital this week. He has multiple myeloma cancer diagnosis. Please pray for his blood levels to stabilize, for healthy kidneys, and overall healing! He hopes to be discharged tomorrow. Thank you ??
Received: Sunday, June 18, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


My sister-in-law, Chrissy, was diagnosed two weeks ago with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. It has all happened so fast. She’s finished her first round of chemo, but a painful bone marrow biopsy reveals that her cancer needs much more aggressive treatment. Pray for Chrissy, my brother Robert and my nieces.
Received: Saturday, June 17, 2023
Prayed for 51 times


i want anointing of relationship. pray for me increase in wisdom in favor with God and people? i want to be loved. and also pray for me i feel rejected and shame to God.
Received: Saturday, June 17, 2023
Prayed for 43 times


I just want to say thanks to God and for anyone that prayed for me. I did pass my drivers test. Continue to pray for me as I continue my journey in school. I need a full scholarship. Pray that I am bold and God will provide the knowledge. I am also praying that I meet my husband this year.
Received: Saturday, June 17, 2023
Prayed for 40 times


Please pray for my father, Algernon.
Received: Friday, June 16, 2023
Prayed for 47 times


My friend Dale’s husband, Dick, had surgery this week to relieve a hematoma on his brain he received after he fell and hit his head. He is in ICU with seizures and not regaining consciousness. Perhaps this will clear up but at the moment, he needs prayers for his recovery.Pray for his wife & kids.
Received: Thursday, June 15, 2023
Prayed for 37 times

The Bruer Family

Praying for Collins and his family as he undergoes a very serious brain tumor surgery mid June. Collins and and his wife ( my college roommate) have 6 children and 30 grand children.
Received: Saturday, June 10, 2023
Prayed for 59 times


Keep in heavy prayer and protection and family and friends.
Received: Thursday, June 08, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Lord, forgive my errors, soften my wife's heart as Proverbs 18:22 states. Echoing Matthew 19:6, mend our unity. Guide us towards wisdom, rebuild love and trust. Our marriage I surrender to Your plan. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Received: Thursday, June 08, 2023
Prayed for 59 times


pray for me. Pray for me to find a spouse and GOD makes it happen. Pray about a relationship with a lady named Ashley. Pray she shows me she is interested. I have heard she is. Pray that GOD brings it together and it flourishes. This is something I want to happen...Pray for GOD to grants me a succe
Received: Wednesday, June 07, 2023
Prayed for 47 times


for Jesus Christ to sustain Alina on all her ways, for Him to restore her self-esteem, personality and for His Will and His Plans to be established in her life and for His love to cover her on all her ways amen for her to be given wisdom and discernment and for her to grow in wisdom.
Received: Wednesday, June 07, 2023
Prayed for 52 times


Please pray for Shelli and her family. Her father died on Friday, June 2.
Received: Tuesday, June 06, 2023
Prayed for 52 times


Please pray for my friend, Pastor Rob. He is struggling with complications due to diabetes.
Received: Tuesday, June 06, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


I pray that God grant me favor during this divorce. I pray that I am able to keep my property and get approved for an assumption or refinance. I pray that this is an easy transition for the family. I pray that God protect me and give me strength during my difficult time. I pray for increase.
Received: Friday, June 02, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


for Jesus Christ to sustain me on all my ways, for Him to restore my self-esteem, personality and for His Will and His Plans to be established in my life and for His love to cover me on all my ways amen for me to be given wisdom and discernment and for me to grow in wisdom and discernment every day
Received: Thursday, June 01, 2023
Prayed for 51 times

Sustainable Liberia

Please join with Sustainable Liberia in bringing our petitions to the Lord. We pray for Jessy Togba Doya. Cover him with prayer as he travels between Liberia and the U.S.. Prepare his pathway as he travels the U.S. preaching, speaking, and sharing how our work changes lives in Liberia.
Received: Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


My daughter Erica is pursuing her Bachelor's Degree while also fulfilling duties as property manager over a large apartment complex. I'm trusting Jesus for her victory. Please pray for her. Thank-you very much.
Received: Sunday, May 28, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


My friend Terence finds walking painful and maintaining balance during walking difficult. Please ask the Lord to heal him. Thank-you.
Received: Saturday, May 27, 2023
Prayed for 51 times


I need deliverance from double mindless. I want to love my husband completely.
Received: Saturday, May 27, 2023
Prayed for 49 times


Please pray for my friend, Mike Holloway, who is undergoing heart surgery (right now). Please pray for safety, healing and strength.
Received: Friday, May 26, 2023
Prayed for 47 times


rayer for endurance to come through to the other side of this season. I have been without work for 14 months. I know the Lord has prolonged the season to do some deep-rooted work. I am now getting weary. I don’t know my direction. I am an ordained and licensed minister, but I still do not have clar
Received: Thursday, May 25, 2023
Prayed for 45 times


I wanted to thank you all for praying for me on this wall! A prayer that I submitted here was answered. Thank you so much my brothers and sisters in Christ!
Received: Thursday, May 25, 2023
Prayed for 45 times


Pray for my friend Kimberly, she had an ABNORMAL EKG. Her DR sats he won’t approve her for cataract surgery (6/8). He’s referring her to a a cardiologist, her np was 160/110.
Received: Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


1. A woman from my childhood church who has suffered from cancer in the past is going in for scans this week. Not sure of full story. Please pray everything turns out all right. 2. Two couples from North Avenue Presbyterian's young-adult group have just had babies. Please pray everything goes well.
Received: Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Prayed for 29 times


Please pray for relief from pain and peace of mind.
Received: Friday, May 19, 2023
Prayed for 75 times


One of my students was in a car accident and suffered a concussion and broken leg. Please pray for her health and healing.
Received: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Prayed for 72 times


As I am completing driving school, I am asking for prayer that God open my eyes and help me to receive the knowledge I need. I pray that the driving school will actually teach what I need and that I am also able to pass the test and be a safe driver. I am also praying for a full ride scholarship.
Received: Monday, May 15, 2023
Prayed for 60 times


I lift my friend Suzie up to God to bring her peace with the difficulties she is facing. I ask that she is granted peace in her daily life and especially at the milestones and holidays. She loves w all her heart-and her heart is broken. Please help her to find peace. Amen
Received: Sunday, May 14, 2023
Prayed for 75 times


Please pray for my son as he struggles with crippling depression and pray for God to guide me in knowing what I can do to help him.  
Received: Sunday, May 14, 2023
Prayed for 74 times


Please pray for me and my husband’s relationship in marriage. I’m competing with my mother-in-law for my husband’s attention and she’s trying to convince my husband I he made a mistake in marrying me. She’s craving my money and she deserves it, not me. I had 5 miscarriages due to husbands genetic co
Received: Sunday, May 14, 2023
Prayed for 55 times


My dear friend, Joe, is scheduled for delicate brain surgery to have a benign tumor near his Pituitary removed. Pray for his surgeon and the medical team to successfully accomplish this. Pray for his wife, Elizabeth, my dear friend, who is very worried, to give her faith and strength.
Received: Sunday, May 14, 2023
Prayed for 57 times


Please pray God gives A. a new heart and a right spirit today and forgives, heals and protects her, in Jesus Name, pray God shows me a miracle just like when He touched Mary Magdalene or the possessed boy having seizures and there was instant and permanent healing, I pray Jesus touched A. right now
Received: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Prayed for 52 times


Former Peachtree young adult has a new son who suffered seizures soon after birth and likely has some degree of brain damage. Please pray that it's minor and something fixable, since baby brains are more "plastic" than adult brains.
Received: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Please pray for my mental health, I am struggling with relationships and I am trying to trust in god to find where I am suppose to be and what is going to happen in the end.
Received: Tuesday, May 09, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Pray my friend Michael would come back to church. Pray he will come to our community group on Thursday. He hasn't been to church or the group in over a month.
Received: Sunday, May 07, 2023
Prayed for 58 times


Pray my friendship with Chris would grow. If God is leading us together, pray he will show us and work out the details.
Received: Sunday, May 07, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


Another writer who's caring for her aging mother w/ dementia may be reaching a financial turning point that could help her mom get the care she needs. Please pray that this works out, as there've been many disappointments before.
Received: Saturday, May 06, 2023
Prayed for 55 times


Please pray that God gives me to wisdom and knowledge to pass 2 exams to finish my program.
Received: Saturday, May 06, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


Please pray for Mike! He is in ER waiting to be seen. Had heart palpitations and dizziness snd has kidney disease. Please pray that he recovers speedily from these symptoms and heal him. Wife is at home worrying.
Received: Wednesday, May 03, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


i ask that you keep me in heavy prayer from hurt, harm, danger , seen and unseen and those i love and care about and that god use me to bring more souls to to his kingdom and accept jesus christ as lord and savior and that none of my prayers become hindered from the the enemy and that god do the ex
Received: Tuesday, May 02, 2023
Prayed for 51 times


Thank you so much for prayers for Matt since February. He has improved and is now home and living his new life with his disease. The prayers I know were the miracle to helping him to progress to where he is now!!! The Power of Pray is real!!!
Received: Sunday, April 30, 2023
Prayed for 51 times


Thank you for prayers for husband , RC, who has been in hospital for 3 months ! He’s come a long way !! Today having bone marrow biopsy. He will be moved to an acute rehab facility soon! Please pray for the right rehab! Continued prayers for healing and increased mobility! ????
Received: Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Prayed for 77 times


Urgent prayer request for the next 7 days for an unspoken need and that God has mercy on me and help me. Thank you.
Received: Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Prayed for 67 times


I was laid off from my job 2 weeks ago. Please pray that I will find a job this week and that God will provide financially.
Received: Sunday, April 23, 2023
Prayed for 75 times


In Emory University Hospital with infection in my blood stream or sepsis from one or both Hospital Acquired Infections got during 28 days in 2 hospitals. Praying for healing & wisdom for my physicians who tragically know nothing about my rare lung disability.
Received: Sunday, April 23, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Our daughter in law, Shellie, just called us from California to let us know that her Mom and Step-Dad were in a very serious car accident last night and her Mom is in ICU in critical condition. She has a broken, arm, leg sternum, ribs and more. Her step-da
Received: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Prayed for 68 times


That the remainder of the school year, including testing and evaluations, go well for kids, teachers, parents, and admin.
Received: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Prayed for 73 times


Please pray Gods will be done in my marriage please! I’m struggling!
Received: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Prayed for 68 times


I'm discouraged by my life. Right now, I can't see how he is at work or how he's used anything I've endured over the years. Pray God would open my eyes to see how he is actively at work in the details of my life.
Received: Friday, April 21, 2023
Prayed for 72 times


I would like to put in a prayer request for my health that I will soon be able to conceive and carry a child. Thanks and God Bless you all for your prayers!
Received: Friday, April 21, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


Please pray for my faith in my marriage! Please pray I need help with my faith In marriage!
Received: Friday, April 21, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


seeking peace. requesting prayers for universal communion, and prosperity for this earth, for the sake of our children.
Received: Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


Pray for all teachers and students right now, especially at more difficult schools. Five more weeks left in the year and testing season is upon us.
Received: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Prayed for 53 times


Pray for my family's salvation and my own salvation.
Received: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


Prayers for Wren family as they try to discern the best place and doctor for deliverary of their infant child that will need very special care.
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 70 times


For strength, humility and gratitude in Peter's heart.
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 65 times


Prayers for our Godchild, Jason, as he is facing colon surgery for possible cancerous mass. Still in the exploring stage of procedure. Jason is 50 and a special man with special needs.
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 66 times


Continued prayer for RC for healing. he's in hospital - long recovery process. Praise God for the progress he's making.
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 25 times


Our daughter, Greyson, has fallen away from her faith and seems to be going down a dark and "mystical" path. Pray for her protection and that sh will find her way back to the One who offers trught & salvation. Prayers for patience and compassion for her parents.
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 71 times


My beloved sister has covid - pray for her quick recovery
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Allison - for health & care of her body
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 62 times


Rueben & Julie to not get divorced and get back together. Salvation for all friends and family
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 58 times


Please pray for wisdom to cure the long covid in my beautiful daughter, Brooke
Received: Monday, April 17, 2023
Prayed for 56 times


Praise our heavenly powerful Father and his precious son Jesus. The neighbor harassment is ceasing. Please Pray to continue to cease. Pray opening the eyes of the town and people around us to see that injustice that has done to us. Praise God in restore our friends peace and safety back into our lif
Received: Saturday, April 15, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


Praying for a successful surgery for Stuart (Peachtree Church member, children's ministry volunteer) next week and for strength for his wife Peyton. Context --- Stu had a seizure Saturday morning, went to ER, was determined he has a tumor in his head somewhere, appears to be non-cancerous.
Received: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Prayed for 58 times


Please pray that God will give me a stable love and peace to enjoy my husband in marriage. Thank you
Received: Sunday, April 09, 2023
Prayed for 44 times


Dear God. Please watch over David as the doctors determine his health issues and create a treatment plan. Allow his body to accept the medicine and return to a healthy level. Give his family patience during this difficult time. In your name-Amen
Received: Sunday, April 09, 2023
Prayed for 53 times


Pray my friendship with Michael would grow. If God is leading us together, pray he would show us, and I would wait on him to bring that about.
Received: Sunday, April 09, 2023
Prayed for 53 times


Please pray for my friend James that he will know God‘s will for his life and follow it and be employed very soon. Thanks
Received: Saturday, April 08, 2023
Prayed for 64 times


Please pray for my friend, Dave and his wife, Holly, who has recently been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. Please pray that they will know God‘s peace, and that God‘s will be done, and that Holly will be healed and happy and whole. Thanks
Received: Saturday, April 08, 2023
Prayed for 63 times


An older woman at North Avenue Presbyterian Church has been hospitalized with pneumonia resulting from COVID. Please pray for her healing.
Received: Saturday, April 08, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


Dear God-please watch over Tim as he works with his doctors to get some answers. Give the doctors the knowledge to help him. Allow Tim and his family to be patient and remain in positive spirits. I ask if you could please provide Tim with good news this week. Thank you. Amen
Received: Friday, April 07, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


Please pray for my grandmother because she has cancer and needs to get better
Received: Friday, April 07, 2023
Prayed for 54 times


help in relationship with friend, God's blessing in relationship with friend, help at work, guidance at work
Received: Wednesday, April 05, 2023
Prayed for 55 times